
Hello 2010

Happy New YEAR!!!
2009 is now in our past and we are welcomed into 2010!! So far it has been a great year for me even though we are only into day 3.  The new year is always exciting because you can celebrate the good from the previous year and also put behind the bad.  A fresh start is here for everyone and then comes all the resolutions.  I know a lot of people are against New Years resolutions but I like them.  I'm constantly making resolutions for myself to try and be an all around better person.  I thought I'd share some of mine with you.
1.) Cherish time with family and friends
2.) Continue to learn and grow in my job
3.) Make more time for prayer and church
4.) Spend more time with my little sister and volunteer
5.) Make more time to blog!
6.) Get out there and date
7.) Continue my healthy lifestyle and work out even harder

So there are some of my resolutions and those are things that I strive for all year round.  What are some of your resolutions and how did you ring in the new year?